July 15, 2009

one two three four....

dear diary! hahah. eceywah :P

sumpah aku hilang >,<
hmmph. banyak lagi bende lain nak buat so tak boley nak focus kat blog. nnt bile aku da agak free... aku update ye?

bye korg. take care! mmuah mmuah =)

June 16, 2009

twitter =)

at first, i mean long time ago.. my fren suruh buat twitter aku taknak. but td tetibe gatal tgn nak buat. haha. nutin much bout twitter. just update 'what are u doing now' but hey, its a whole lots of fun! best jgk owh. saje nak suka2. hehe..

jom jom. create twitter. agak ok =)

mine - http://twitter.com/arniesha


ape - kah?

aku duduk depan laptop, termenung.. tgk assignment, termenung lagi.. tetibe aku nangis!! sumpah meleleh gilaa babi. aku pun terkejut. apesal aku nangis tetibe. pelikk gila baii.

tapi mcm... ntah. haa yela. aku just nak bgtau yg aku nangis, tetibe! haih.. aku jadi mcm sedih sgt sgt sgt. apekah?

adoii. byk sgt air dlm badan kot. hahah=P taklaa. tapi serious. tetibe rasa mcm sedih. but serious. aku tatau asal. huh

dahla. nak bgtau tu je. bye!


June 9, 2009

bibik bibik tersayang =)

hehehe. this post is for my beloved bibiks! birthday diorang kowt!! ngee =) boley plak kan, birthday selang sehari?! pelik aku. haha. taak kesah la. bibik yatie & bibik wenny. diorang ni kakak & adik ipar. hee. lawak kan? cane bleh sesat umah aku tah. pape pwn, SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN YEA BIK =)

aku gi beli cake & makan same2. tapi syadira & maryam yg tiup candles n potong kek. ish. sah budak kecik! takpela.. janji haappy!

owh a big thanx to both of my bibik tersayang. sbb:

* bilik saya selalu besepah esp pagi masa nak gi college, tapi bila ptg saya balik, mesti da bersih.

* saya selalu tertinggal kunci kete kalau nak keluar, yg jadi mangsa selalu bibik wenny. ;P thnx bik! haha

* saya tak ske cuci kete, tapi suke suruh bibik yatie cucikan. heeeee. sbb bibik cuci bersih!

* kalau makan, saya palingg malas nak amek air sendiri.. tapi paling senang nak pggl bibik yatie/wennie tolong amekkan. =) (gila pemalas aku!)

*bibik yatie kalau buat cekodok pisang.. perghh. sedappp gila!

hahah. bibik2 ku. tq yea. saya mmg cmnie bik, tapi saya baik kan kan?? heee.

owh bibik wennie, tolong stop pggl saya 'non'! duuhh. pelik2 je.

sunday story..

hehe. aku lupa naak update pasal bende alah nie. bukan la ade ape pun but just saje je cuz ahad lepas mama bwk all of us pegey OU! best gilaa. gelak2, jalan2, dan makan! sgt best oh.

sony buat this one campaign "donate a smile"! haha. kalau kita senyum, means kita da donate RM1! tapi duit sony lah kan =) haaa. ape lagi, senyum je. gila senang nak buat sedekah. aku ngan anis sedekah senyum tapi maryam, syadira & lisa taknak! ngok ngek betul. bukan susah sgt pwn. duuhh!

kiotorg makan kat satu kedai ni, aku lupe name kedai tu tapi main food dia.. 'otak otak'! sedapp baii tapi pedass. kedai dia gile fun! sambil makan boley main congkak, dgr lagu lama2, owh & card 'one happy family' pwn ada! hahahaha :D comel kan? aku anis lisa n guess wat? mak aku pwn main kowt! tapi sgt best. ngee =) adik2 yg lagi 2 org tu main congkak. heh.

owh ya. kitorg gi karoke jamban!! heheheh. gila dow. dangdut baik punyeee. adik2 aku melalak mcm taak igt dunia. berebut mic okayh! sah tak pnh gi karoke. huhu. so aku beralah je. tolong nyanyi same. syadira n maryam lah paling excited. sbb? dapat nyanyi kuat2 walaupun eja lirik merangka rangkak! haahhah. i lovee youu lah korg!

** yeah. ini dia adik2 tersayang. haha. syadira tunjuk manicure dia. aih budak2 zamn sekarang. ape naak jadi :P

** ini adik saya, anis ye! muka kami taak sama kowt, tapi suara dlm fon sure org confuse! huhu. ily lah.
** nyanyi time!! ;)

** She's my mama && i love her =)

June 8, 2009

A happy moment-s!

hari ni terramat happy. im sick but i really cant stop myself from visitng my nad chamoonyaw =) weee. she's all alone dekat rumah. so kitorang borak2 pasal byk benda. gila rindu kat nad. half way borak, aku ajak nad amek gamba!! itu aktiviti wajib yea! :P

camera nad best. tu yg aku semangat tuh. & besides, nad byk bear besar2!! gila best. rasa macam duduk dalam tadika. bende yg paling best aku jumpe is a big green frog bear dgn satu burger besar! hahaha. comel sgt sgt :D

da penat amek gamba. bukak youtube, gelak2 kan video bodoh, download movie tapi taak tgk! heheh.

but satu je tak best. aku byk baring. demam gila teruk. kesian nad. soory ye nad ;(

nnt kite jumpe lagi. ngee!!

*sponge bob jadian :P

*i told you. nad ske bende pelik. hahah

*yeah. go katak! hahah

** aku da kate dah.. burger tu mmg besarr! makan smpai mati pwn takkn habis. heee :D
*mengundang dowh topi tu! hahahaha

nad! ily! hehe. we will meet again ok. mmuah! i have a really good day with her. serious!


June 6, 2009

im lovin it =)

Just came back from teman anis pegey konsert festari dekat dewan sivik.. aku jadi driver ah kan! dush... semangat sekolah betul! HAHAHA. but okay la jgk overall. teringat masa sekolah dulu2.. rindu owh masuk2 menari, pantun, pidato bla ba bla... heheh

that thing abes around 12.30, masa tgh ondaway perut saya buat konsert sendiri!! gilaa lapar! && hanya McDonalds yang terlintas.. ape lagi.. drive thru la kan.. heheh.

menu2 pilihan : chicken mcnuggets

: 2PCS spicy chicken

: 3 large fries!! (ehem.. diulangi.. 3 LARGE FRIES YEA)

Anis: weyh, apesal banyak sgt?? sape naak makan dow fries tuh?

Me: kau diam. aku la nak makan!

heheh. sumpah aku addicted kowt fries McD! terbaikk owh =D

dan akhirnya, aku tulis blog sambil mengunyah!! sedapp baii. mane tak gemuk. melantak tgh2 malam! hahah :P

* heh. sape makann mcD byk2, nnt jadi mcm ni. heheh.

** owh tapi ade satu bende yg taak best. reza is damn sick. demam makin terukk. ish =/

make sure u have enough rest yea. demam u berjangkit kat i kowt. flu i da dtg & tekak gila sakit!

take care love. i syg u sgt sgt sgt =)

June 4, 2009

my wedding plan ; tagged by wanie azeera

hey hey everyone. MISS WANIE (CLICK HER NAME) tag me! she wanted to know what is my wedding plan?? AHAHAHA. Biar betul cik wanie oii. :P takpe wanie punye pasal, saya ikutkan je laa hajat dia ye =)

1. How old are you?

yet to be 19 =)

2. Are you single?

taken :P

3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?

how shud i know??

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?

hope so. amin =)

5. If not, who do you want to marry?

not thinking 4 the moment.

6. Who will be your bridesmaid or your bestman?

my BFF of course =)

7. Do you want a garden/ beach or traditional wedding?

i wish i can have an underwater or in the air wedding =)
but a beach wedding cud be beautiful.
the moment from the sun rise till it comes to the sunset. nice kan?

8. Where do you plan to go for honeymoon?

mexico =) the beach is damn amazing!

9. How many guest do you think you’ll invite?

families, friends, relatives & so on. too early to predict bebeh =)

10. Will that include your exes?

i dont think so!

11. How many layers of cake do you want?

i need 8!

12. When do you want to get married? Morning or evening?

it cud be nice at night =) i mean for the nikah thingy. hehehe

13. Name the song/tune you would like to play at your wedding?

Jazz, R&B, owh during the nikah time, i dont need music. i would like to play all the zikir ye!

14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon/fork/ knife?

i dont mind. hello.. janji makan sudah ah. byk cite plak. huhu

15. champagne or red wine?

air milo ke, susu lembuu k.. ok tak ah?

16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?

days after the wedding lah!

17. Money or household items?

i need both pleasee :D

18. How many kids would you like to have?

i wish for 2. shud be enuf >.<

19. Will your record your honeymoon in DVD and CD?

of course. memory tells you everything & one more thing after years u get married, if ur husband cheated on you, tunjuk je balik semua video2 tuh! hehehe.

20. I want to know their wedding plan:

-nad chamoonyaw



June 3, 2009


i changed my profile song.. again! ahaha.

Camellia by Irwansyah :D

Lagu ni takde meaning untuk aku tapi cam best. layann baii. haha. Ayang la ni, pegi nyanyi kat karoke sampai aku pwn jadi gilaa kat lagu nie =)

owh kejap.. ni ade lagi satu video..camelia version akustik ah tapi.

tgh best2 layan tgk irwansyah gila comel pakai spek, tah mane dtg satu mamat giant,tetibe peluk irwansyah. gay ke hape??? geli kowt aku tgk. huhu :P

June 2, 2009


stress gila okayh hari ni. takde yang fun lgsg! urghh. aku rasa nak tampar org :( heh. boley ke hah?? :P and worst, aku sbnrnya tak tau apa tujuan aku tulis blog nieh! no idea, no wtv! sadis dan sgt bosann hidup aku..

owh mama & aniss balik from jakarta kejap lagi. (ekehem, mintak2 dorg tak lupa bwk barang untuk aku)

hmm.. farah, get well soon. owh kejap FARAH NAWAZISH yea =)

college was like... haaa.. gile bapak terrrbosan! hati tgh panass, mood tgh tak elok. sumpah aku bencii ah mcm ni ;( which country eh kalau bunuh org legal?? ade ke?

&& yeah, REZA... im sorry love. things might hurt u, but i didnt mean it. sorryyyy eh eh?

iloveyouu, i syg u gile gile ah :D

May 31, 2009

just a wish..

i took a nap just now & guess what. i had a day dream :P haha. bestt kowt. but the exciting part is aku mimpi aku bunuh orang. jap2.. bukan bunuh actually.. tapi aku toreh2 muka dia ngan pisau. HAHAHAHA. bangang taak mimpi akuh? dan yg paling best muke pempuan yg aku toreh muka dia tu clear gilaa... (kalau la aku dapat toreh muka dia betul2!)

heheh. ni sume CSI - NY nye pasal. pempuan ni muka kene toreh terukk gila =) aku plak dgn bungoknye tgk CSI supreme sunday smpai bwk dlm mimpi.

tp serious, ade hajat di hati untuk buat begitu yea. haha. reza, u sure tau i nak buat kat sape kan kan?? keh88..

pempuan2 yg terasa, sila berhati hati sebab kadang2 arniesha boleh jadi tak berhati perut


nite peeps, nite jimmie, nite reza bumbum =)


blog bukanlah tempat terbaik yg patut aku gunakan untuk maki org, tapi kalau da melampau aku mmg sgt la tak teragak agak nak cemarkan blog aku yg lagi cantikk dari muka kauu tuh!

please la.. get a life weyh. setakat aku tak approve kau kat myspace, kau nak kecoh pesal?? siap nak sound2 aku plak tru msg! first msg, aku ckp elok2 lagi... pastu 2nd one kau cakap putar belit.. kau sape nak sound aku??

i have the right to approve whoever fuckin i like! && u yes.. you!! never ever have the right to question me! aku dah la jarang bkk myspace. kau ape tau! frend request aku pwn aku jarang tgk. suka2 ckp aku berlagak, sombong. & for ur information miss wtv, aku tak approve kalau aku tak kenal. sbb bende tu untuk mudahkan aku tgk kawan2 lama aku jeh! kalau betul kau kawan skolah aku (kalau aku kenal kau la) bg la msg skali masa kau add aku! bongok!

&& aku nak tekankan lg skali, aku jarang online myspace la bongok! owh kau mesti nak persoalkan mcm ni kan... ' kalau malas on9 kenapa buat myspace'..ha meh aku jawab!!!

1) sbb aku dah puas active myspace dulu
2) sbb makin ramai org gila seks yg bg msg kat aku!!!!!
3) sbb myspace semakin berserabut! tapi aku tak delete account aku sbb aku syg!

so please, back off sebelum aku maki kau betul2! geramm ah kau ni. hish! tak pasal2 kau dapat satu entri kat blog aku! semakk btol!

kalau kau baca bende ni, & nak marah.. go ahead. tp kau tgk la dulu. mulut sape mcm cibai. bajet sume org kenal kau, aku plak yg kene.. siap babitkan mak bapak aku! kau pehal? aku buat myspace ade gune duit mak bapak kau ke? aku tak approve kau,bapak kau bankrap ke?? bangang ah kauu ni! nak ckp kalau aku buat sombong, aku takkn ke mane!!! woii! kau tu yg takkn ke mane kalau mulut cam gampang. pempuan kalau da bajet sume org kenal, ceni ah jadi! suke2 naak maki org!

so again, please. back off woman. or shud i call u 'assuntarian'?? huh. memalukan!

rumah last, sebelah kiri...

im looking forward to watch this movie! ganass gila! :D

p/s= reza, u take care. get well soon!

love, niesha

its the climb..

bapakkk gila bosannn! arghhh. anis gi jakarta ngan mama. bungok taak bawak akuh :s

dekat umah jaga adikk. haa bgs sgt la tu kan. mmg kakak yg baik aku nih. atuk && nenek ade kat rumahh. weeee. suka kowt!

thought of bringing my sisters to tasik perdana petang ni. main layang2. kalau aku tak malas ah.. heh.

owh 'the climb' song by miley is currently keep running in my head ;D best kowt lagu tu. motivate weyh! hahaha.

Lyrics | Miley Cyrus Lyrics | The Climb Lyrics

the missing part

Saraaa!! again kau takde ngan kitorg. sentap dowh aku T_T.. selalu ceni.. da plan cantik2, last2 minute ade je kejadian yg sgt la tak diingini jadi kan.. Ayang lah ni. dan dan masa kita nak kuar gak la, dia bgn lmbat. HAHA. tapi actually aku nak salahkan owner umah sewa ayang bukan ayang! :P mcm la takde hari lain nak suruh bla dari umah tu! aku jumpe mamat tu, aku sekeh kpale dia >.<

mcm biase ah, da jumpe kau paham2 je la ape kitorang buat kan?? ngeehehe. melalak dlm bilek karoke tu cam haram! aku ngan azrin boleh duet lagu indon, ayang plak ngan aku bantai dangdut! diulangi.... dangdut yea! hahaha. fantasia bulan madu la, lagu siti sume kitorang bantaii! azrin ah plg best.. ella & segala penyanyi dulu2, lagu zaman tok nenek aku dia hafal kot! keh88. (mamposs aku kalau dia baca :P)

then diorang gerakk gi umah aku. lepak2, amek gamba mcm org tak pnh jumpe camera! haha. to be xcact, camera fon shj yea =) azrin dlm bilik air aku pwn dia bantai berangann! bungok kan kan? jap gi aku post gamba. hehe.

&& sara, actualy dia atas kegedikkan kau tak menghadirkan diri pada perjumpaan kali ni, kitorang ada buat satu cun nye video untuk kau, tapi... AZRIN buat aksi 18sx tanpa disengajakan. ahaha. so aku tanak ah post. kang aku kene cepukk ngan mangkok tu. video yg num 2 takk best! haaa, lenkali.. jgn bg alasan lagi tau tau!




** hehe. ayang sgt sukaa pada jimmy yea ;D

May 29, 2009

attn to: SARA AQILAH abdul razak!

weyh. berani kau balass jeritt kat aku en :P haha. well sara, kau patut tgk cara azrin nyanyi weyh! sumpahh feeling abes doww. aku nye perut sampai nak pecah, ayang boleh gelakk smpai kentut2 kau tau. dia layan jiwang tak pandang kiri kanan doww! ngehehe.

takpe2.. esok kitaa jumpa weyh! haha. cant wait to see u girls esok. perghh. zaman kegemilangan time skolah kembali weyh ;D

p/s: azrin sara & ayang are my superb girls. korang sentuh, aku smash satu kali!!

azrin. ayang. sara

**the reason why im not in the picture is because im the one who took it okayh! heheh

when im bored...

Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com

hahah. ini namanye takde keje but its cute though. kan kan? =P

che che tu kucing kesayangan reza! yucks. tak suka.. manja telebey. haha. mine is lonya. name dia pelik kan? but i just love it! ;D

toodles everyone!

nite nite reza. nite nite jimmy gebiu =)

May 28, 2009

May 28 ;

Pretty much exhausted. Psychology class is sucks! I can't even understand what the hell is the lecturer talking about. Well, i am still trying to catch up actually for the sake of new term 'term'! haha. got it? My basic composition class seems to be more interesting i guess. I had fun doing all those essay, thesis statements, free writing, brainstorming and etc. Currently im working on an essay : Household products use local celebrities to promote their products. hmm.. i need a very eye catching tittle! a short one. cud u guys pretty help me pleaseee ;D ngee :P Alice( my basic comp lecturer) is a really helpful person. i like her so much! hoping that she wont fail my paper! haha.

p/s: she doesnt want her student to address her with miss/mrs/madam or wtv. just Alice! cool kan minah nih? heheh

My classmates is kinda like fun to be with. they are really friendly, supportive, gilaa banyak knowledge & owh i just love to talk bout stuff with them. well... most importantly they are so not racist unlike my psychology class peeps. haha. in psycho class, i do have my clique.. farah, fandi, syakir faruq (i love them to the max)n bla bla bla but most of the chinese are seems to be a bit.. i mean a bitt... racist! yeah! well, i dont care & wtv lah. aku tak mati pwn =P

i was actually still feel very down cuz my persian white cat is dead! yeah back then, everyone knows that i am damn scared of cats but arghh idk, lately i am so in love with kittens. haha. but now, dah matiii! ;(

reza sms me n told me that the cat is dead, & i was like straight away call him. i blame him at d first place.. nangis gila babii kowt! i marah2 reza.. huhu. kesiann dowh mamat tu. but dia pwn sedey jugak so diam je la kan. nangis je laa!act kucing tu takde name pun lagi but reza used to call the kitten kutip
! haha. sbb anak kucing tu sesat & reza kutip dia. maybe dia mati pwm sbb sakit ;( ngok ngek ah reza tak bwk g klnik!
takpelahh. i have 'lonya'. =) my baby kitten! comel sgt!

reza, reza.. i nak kittens for my birthday ;D i nak white colour, i nak yg new born, i nak jantan, takmo betina! its a big big no! i nak persian cat! huhu. demanding kot! but i still want it! ily syg. mmuah mmuah ;D

House of Fayette pose!

There is some pictures of the committee members from H.O.F on our very first day opening up the booth and pledge new members for the club ;D more to come peeps!

farah ; the H.O.F website team

teera; the H.O.F photographer

that guy?? hahah. thats Hilmi; our one & only MR PRESIDENT OF HOF!!