yeay! at last.... ive received a confirmation letter from SEGi college!! heh=P
it says that i can start my class on 25th august 2008. im taking American Degree Program majoring in financial n marketing =)
its AWESOME!!! theres too many reasons why i feel so happy.
1) it means theres only left one month for me to start my studies so i dont feel B.O.R.E.D anymore!!!
2) i can let go all my stupid dummy problems && meet new friends =)
**owh i love new friends. -chit chattin,gossiping,hanging around, erm erk ok ok cut the craps! haha
3) meet new guy?? hahahaaha. I DONT THINK SO!~ urghh that one person know why!
4) nak blaja betul2. takmo main2 dah. azam tgh kuat neh.hahaha. boley?
erm to go deeper, basic-ly this course ada 40 subjects!! n guess what the very best part is the passing mark is 70!! hello.. mati aku! course lain sume passing mark 50 je.
it is so....UNFAIR!
hehe. wtv it is,i just cant wait. bosann sgt kat rumah. all my friends are away g blaja. && me. kat rumah jd driver! ciss!
conclusion. im happy && i cant wait! =) hey segi.. im comin!! mmuaah mmuah!
congratttt niesha ! gd luck n hope ur'r enjoy with ur COLLEGE lifestyle =]
4 yours babe? wow. terus smbung bachelor gitu =))
oh, sian u jadik driver dowh. lol.
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